Thursday, February 5, 2009



All about parrotlets: care, diet, and why these little pint sized parrots are good pets for a person with limited space.
These birds pack all the personality and pizzazz of their much bigger cousins, the amazons. They offer all the practical advantages of smaller birds. Parrotlets are the ideal bird because they are gorgeous, colorful, and spunky and have tons of personality. They do not scream like the large parrots.

There are only three species available in the United States and they are:
  • Pacific celestial Parrotlets- most common and feisty
  • Green - rumped Parrotlets- shy, sweet, and gentle
  • Spectacled parrotlets- Unknown in the US before 1992.

The parrotlet diet contains various seed, pellets, veggies, and fruit. Under no circumstances do you want to feed your little parrot any avocado, chocolate, alcohol, or caffeine.

You do not want to use sandpaper perches for the parrotlets due to their sensitive little feet, and you don't want to use sawdust in their cages. The little parrots should be bathed once a week. You can even let them shower with you, but you must be very careful while they are in there with you.

You will want to spend quality time with your little parrot, and provide numerous toys for him to play with. They will sing and they can say very small phrases, as their vocabulary is not as large as a regular parrot.
These are the best little birds if you want a parrot and are in limited space.

There are some characteristics to look for to see if your bird is ready to train:

  • When your bird is relaxed in the cage while you are present in the room.
  • When you reach your hand in the cage to feed, water, or clean and it does not cause excessive alarm.
  • When your bird is willing to take treats from your hand.
With your baby bird you can play training tricks for the baby like:
  • step up
  • step on a stick
  • lay on his back in your hand
  • allow you to touch his feet
  • allow you to touch his underside
  • allow you to gently lay a towel over him
  • step into a travel kennel
None of these treats require a treat, just some time with your bird.